Erasmus +

Da mercoledì 6 a venerdì 8 marzo si terrà a Bruxelles la prima tre giorni di formazione dedicata allo staff mobility dei consorzi della rete EU4EU Il primo “EU4EU Transnational Training and Capacity Building Workshop” coinvolgerà in un unico evento i rappresentanti delle 35 università dei consorzi EU4EU, i coordinatori...

The EU Programme Erasmus + finances 214 scholarships for traineeships at companies based in the EU, within the project "EU4EU - European Universities for the EU". Deadline to apply as Host Organization is postponed to the 2nd November 2018 on EuGen Platform. Host organizations participate...

Probabilmente, tutti sanno cos’è il progetto Erasmus e quasi tutti conoscono l’origine di questo nome, coniato in onore di Erasmo da Rotterdam, noto umanista vissuto nel’500, viaggiatore ed amante della scoperta, a tal punto da concludere i suoi studi presso l’università di Torino. Il programma ha...

Excellent news for our EU4EU students and Universities: our national Consortia in Italy, Spain and Croatia have been approved and increased in 2018! A total number of 202 Erasmus + scholarships for traineeships with focus on EU projects will be assigned to students from 35 Universities,...

Spesso ci si chiede, quanto e cosa significhi un’esperienza all’estero. Gli scenari che possono prendere corpo, solitamente corrispondono ad un percorso ambito, in relazione alla scelta compiuta, possibilmente progettuale, che vede nel cambiare paese, nazione, una svolta personale, non solo curriculare. Diversificare le proprie esperienze, rimane uno...

Good news for all Organizations registered in EuGen Platform (, you don't need to send any information to participate to our projects, because we will keep your registration for the projects to come! If you are not registered you can do it, write us at...

                              Trainees selected within"European Universities for EU projects" and "Universities for EU projects" for the 2018 will send the Learning Agreement to their Host Organization to get it filled it in and signed...

Under the transnational initiative European Universities for the EU (EU4EU) designed by EuGen, 77 young students from Spain and Croatia are about to leave for Europe. Results for Spain and Results for Croatia are available! They will refine their skills in writing and managing European projects focused on different...