[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMpnRpsc5ik[/embedyt]
A new call is open to assign more then 100 grants of mobility for traineeship within the project “Universities for EU Projects”. The period of the mobility is between the 15th March and the 31st December 2017, for duration between 2 and 9 months.
Trainees will develop professional skills and knowledge in the field of EU ‘Project Planning’ and implement activities related to on-going projects. The participation is therefore open to students in Communications, Marketing, International business, EU law, engineering, Languages, IT, and any other relevant fields.
If you wish to host one or more trainees in the due period, please read the project Call for Hosts, fill in the Annex 1 and send it to info@eu-gen.org by the 5th February.
The database will be accessible from the 8th February.
The project is led by SEND Sicily and implemented together with EuGen as Intermediary Organization. It is financed under Erasmus + Programme KA1 and offers mobility grants to students from a consortium of 9 main Italian Universities.
There are no costs for host organizations; trainees receive a grant from the project and insurance from their University.
The matching between students and host organization is organized as follows: eligible students will access EuGen database with host organizations’ profiles to choose their favourite ones and put forward their candidatures. Consequentially, you will have the chance to arrange a Skype call interview with the candidates that you select. In addition to this, you will have direct access to EuGen database to view the students’ profiles.
For any info contact info@eu-gen.org