Rome, 21 December 2020 Today, EuGen published the first two-year EU4EU Report 2019-2020, showing overall an excellent level of implementation of the activities and the achievement of the objective it has been pursuing for 6 years of facilitating access to work for students of Higher Education...

Laura is studying for a Masters Degree in International Cooperation at the University of Lille and carried out her EU4EU internship at the Italian Red Cross, in Rome. She arrived in Rome at the beginning of February, a few weeks before the lockdown started. “It...

Andrea Eleuteri is carrying out his internship at Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production (CSCP), in Germany, while completing a Masters Degree in Economics and International Management at Università Degli Studi di Perugia. At CSCP, they created an occupancy plan to avoid overcrowding the...

Mohammed Saleem is completing a second cycle on Energy Engineering in the University of Roma Sapienza. He travelled to Wuppertal, Germany at the beginning of August to carry out his three-month internship at the Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production (CSCP). With CSCP, Mohammed...

Babrik Kushwaha is a Nepali student who recently complete his Masters in European and International Affairs from the University of Lille. He carried out his internship in Vienna from February to August 2020, which caused him to spend the lockdown in a foreign city. When...

Antonella is an International Relations student at the University of Bari, in Italy. She carried out her internship from March to June 2020, right when the Coronavirus pandemic in Europe was at its worst. She started her traineeship in presence and switched to a blended...

Summary of the sending country’s rules for the EU4EU Mobilities during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Covid 19 pandemic has taught us that it was not necessary to interrupt all the activities, in the work, educational, social or recreational fields for which we previously considered physical presence...