Rome, 21 December 2020
Today, EuGen published the first two-year EU4EU Report 2019-2020, showing overall an excellent level of implementation of the activities and the achievement of the objective it has been pursuing for 6 years of facilitating access to work for students of Higher Education Institutes, through the organization of Erasmus + professional internships, with a focus on the design and use of European funds.
The number of scholarships for traineeships awarded each year since the beginning of the Program has steadily increased, reaching today a total number of over 1700 traineeships, organized for students from 47 Italian, French, Spanish and Croatian universities. During 2019 and 2020, 3.100 students registered on the EU4EU Portal and 589 of them received scholarships for internships in over 250 Host Organizations participating in the EU4EU Program, located throughout Europe.
In terms of quality assessment, the evaluation of the experience by the main actors involved was excellent, with 90% of the Host Organizations declaring themselves “very satisfied with the program”, 92% of the trainees declaring themselves “very satisfied of their internship experience “and 96% of the Host Organizations” very satisfied with the intern they hosted “.
In terms of results, the main skills developed by the trainees concern the areas of Communication, Management, Analytical Skills and Problem Solving, allowing 80% of trainees who completed the traineeship as “post-graduate” to receive a offer of collaboration at the end of the internship.
This Report collects data on the results of the 2019 and 2020 project activities, based on the questionnaires filled in by trainees and host organizations. It shows an overview of the participants’ profiles, the results achieved and the level of satisfaction with the EU4EU program.
On the topic of the pandemic, Francesca Romana Zotta, President of EuGen says “2020 was a difficult year but, although Covid has caused mobility restrictions especially in the international context, the EU4EU internships have not stopped. Over 100 students have done or are currently still carrying out their internships, in person or remotely, to continue learning, improve a foreign language and add new experiences and skills to their professional profile. They showed us the strength, tenacity and stubbornness necessary to emerge victorious. example for all of us, more or less young, who are more lazy and procrastinators. To them goes my my deepest respect, greatest thanks for the example and good luck for the future “.
Read the EU4EU 2019-2020 Report
More information:
Testimonies from EU4EU trainees during the Covid-19 pandemic